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Spirituality In The Trump Era

Episode #32

You haven't heard from me in a while.


I spent the summer getting quiet, going within, and feeling my way through the state of the world right now.


Yesterday, I broke my silence and published my first podcast episode in months.


This episode isn't going to make everybody happy. It's going to tick some people off, and I'll probably lose a few followers. But I've decided it's more important to be authentic and speak my truth, reaching those who need to hear the message that my heart feels inclined to share right now than it is to be popular.


This episode, #32 of the All Ways Evolving podcast, is about Spirituality in the Trump Era and finding your voice in divisive times.


I'm sure I already just lost a few people.


If you're one of the ones sticking around, eager to know more, you can listen to it anywhere you enjoy podcasts, or click the link below and listen now.


This podcast was inspired by the fact that I don't see many spiritual leaders and teachers speaking up about what's going on right now. Some are, but they're almost immediately attacked for daring to dip their toe in the waters of current events—almost as if there is supposed to be some sort of disconnect from the spiritual journey and the human one we are here to have.


Somehow, somewhere, some people have gotten the impression that for anyone on the spiritual path, it's all love and light. And if it's not, you must not truly be spiritual.


I call BS on that one.


My advice?


Don't strive to be spiritual. Strive to be authentic. Authenticity will lead you to spirit organically.


After all, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. In this human experience, as long as we are in these mortal bodies, we are intricately interconnected with nature. We ARE nature. And as a wise friend of mine pointed out, sometimes nature is violent, and sometimes it is painful. Birth is often painful. Death is often painful.


It's not all rainbows and butterflies; animals kill, fires ravage, hurricanes decimate, and tornadoes destroy. And with the wildfires we are seeing, the increasing number of storms, flooding, etc., clearly, mother nature is angry, and she's trying to get our attention.


I understand the desire to float around in the ethers and let God handle this. And yet, we are God. God is in each one of us, as disconnected from him/her/it as we may sometimes get.


So for me, as long as I am standing for love, as long as I am speaking from a place of love (which I'm admittedly not always successful at, but I certainly do my best), then my voice matters.


And so does yours.




Erica Boucher, host of the ALL WAYS EVOLVING Podcast, is an Author, Yogi, and Group Travel Specialist. As the owner of International Yoga Travel, she hosts yoga retreats and travel around the world. Learn more about her upcoming trips here. 

*Intro music taken with permission by the artist from the song track, Journeying, on the album The River by Michael Brant DeMaria. Couresty of Ontosmusic/michaelbrantdemaria. 


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